Work in Fredericia Denmark
Fredericia is a city located in eastern Jutland, Denmark, with a population of approximately 40,000 people. It is known for its strategic location on the Little Belt strait and its historic fortress, which was built in the 17th century.
The citys economy is diverse and encompasses several major industries, including transportation, manufacturing, and services. One of the citys most significant employers is Maersk, a global shipping and logistics company that has a major presence in Fredericia.
Other major employers in Fredericia include:
- Danfoss: A multinational engineering company that specializes in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems and has a major production facility in Fredericia.
- Saint-Gobain: A multinational corporation that produces and distributes construction materials and has a production facility in Fredericia.
- Arla Foods: A dairy cooperative that produces and distributes dairy products and has a production facility in Fredericia.
- Tican: A meat processing company that has a production facility in Fredericia.
In addition to these major employers, Fredericia also has a thriving small business community, with a particular emphasis on startups and innovation. The city has several business incubators and co-working spaces, as well as a strong network of local entrepreneurs and investors.
Overall, Fredericias economy is characterized by its diversity and resilience, with a mix of established industries and emerging sectors driving growth and innovation in the city.

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